
Showing posts from 2019

Weeks ending Saturday 13-July-2019

No boardgames played these past 2 weeks. I have been playing The Secret Of Monkey Island, Borderlands, a bit of Terraria, Geneforge, and Splinter Cell:Chaos theory over this period though

Week ending Saturday 29-June-2019

Got a number of games played this week - Plague Inc: The Board Game on Tuesday 25th.  This was the June meetup of the Bingham boardgames group.  We played the full 4-player game; 2 of us had never played it before.  It's kind of like a "reverse Pandemic" but also competitive, not co-operative.  You're trying to spread your virus or infection, but if you do this too much too early, it limits how many areas of the world you can infect and therefore how many victory points you can earn.  I ended up 2nd in this game. On the Saturday, the 29th, the main game we played was 6-player Dominant Species.  I did very badly for the first half or so of the game, but managed to c\law my way up to finish 3rd place, thanks to some fortuitous end-of-game scoring. We also got in one game of Tiefe Taschen, which I won, and 3 games of The Resistance: Avalon.

Weeks ending Saturday 22-June-2019

3 weeks of not playing any boardgames! a bit of PC gaming done though...

Week ending Saturday 01-June-2019

I played my first ever game of Root on Tuesday the 28th We played a full 4-player game, with the owner teaching us and taking us through the actions available to each faction. We drew factions randomly at the beginning, and I got the Raccoon, who is different to the others in that it is just a single character. I did enjoy it, though I didn't score much, and again this is one I'd like to play again. On Wednesday i made it to the weekly Star Wars: Destiny session in Grantham - I actually don't always log this in BGG - and had a go with one of the current set's starter decks. Now, form the 31st-May to the 02-June was the UKGE in the Birmingham NEC, this year I attended the Friday and the Saturday, with a gaming friend from work. On the Friday, we got to play Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress (which I actually have but had not yet played) and this was great, i really like it.  We also played a bit of the X-Wing Miniatures game, as I had not played before and it wa...

Week ending Saturday 25-May-2019

No boardgames played this week! I've been playing a bit of Terraria and Borderlands on PC though...

Week ending Saturday 18-May-2019

Saturday the 18th was the May meetup of the Grantham Friendly Gamers. Most of my time there on this meetup was playing a 5-player game of Rising Sun.  I didn't do well -after the end-game scoring was done, I was 2nd-to-last.  It's a game I would like to try playing again.  As the guy who taught it mentioned at the end, we didn't really latch on to the intended way to play it, which is supposed to involve deal-making/bartering (of course with some back stabbing!) It has some nice minis too! OI also got a short game of Winners Circle.  This is a horse-racing betting game.  I managed to win this 2-race game (we didn't have time for the final 3rd race!)

Week ending Saturday 11-May-2019

Again, only the one boardgame played this week - a 3-player game of Quacks Of Quedlinburg. This was, again, on a Friday lunchtime at work.  Unfortunately one of us had to leave for a meeting before we had quite reached the end.  We all enjoyed it though.

Week ending Saturday 04-May-2019

3 of us got in a lunchtime play of Azul at work on the lunchtime of the 3rd.  I managed to gain a decisive victory! Going for diagonals was my main strategy, even though I wasn't 100% clear how the end game scoring works for completed diagonals...and we were playing the "basic" version, where everyone has the same patterned board to try and fill Also been doing a bit of PC gaming...

Week ending Saturday 27-April-2019

Just the one board game played this week, and it was a real doozy - A Feast For Odin! this took us a good 4 hours to finish, although 3 of the 4 of us were completely new to it...and it's one I'm likely to buy at some point.

Week ending Saturday 20-April-2019

On Wednesday 17th April, 3 of us went to Ludorati after work for some gaming.  This time, we played a single game of Terraforming Mars.  This is an interesting"engine bulding" type of game, where you need to get cards into play, as well as placing several types of hex tiles, in order to earn "TR" (Terraforming Rating) TR is basically victory points, the aim being to earn the most.  The cards you can get into your hand, and then play, represent various terraforming-related "projects", there are 6 resources each player has to manage their production and spending of, and in addition the game end is set by 3 different measurements, all of which need to be met before the game can end. These are: Oxygen level, Temperature, and Ocean size (Oceans being represented by one of the hex types) There are various set ways of earning TR points, in addition to what you may be able to earn from various of the project cards.  Also, each player is assigned one of the terra...

Week ending Saturday 13-April-2019

On Sunday the 7th April, a few of us from work had arranged to meet up at the boardgames cafe Ludorati in Nottingham.  Unfortunately, in the end there were only 2 of us. We still got a game of Eldritch Horror first, it took us about an hour and a half including the setup time (which itself was about half an hour) It's a big game to setup - a number of different decks of cards, and lots of piles of various counters. I've written a full review which i intend to post up here soon.  Needless to say, we were doing well for much of the game, but then it started falling apart and in the end, even if we hand't lost one of the 2 main "mysteries" that we'd investigated, we would not quite have been able to win (we would have gained the 3rd and final necessary mystery *after* our Great old One, Azathoth, had awoken and therefore ended the game. the other game we played was Kingsburg, it *is* a competitive game to a degree, but it's more about trying to build up y...

Week ending Saturday 06-April-2019

No board or card gaming done this week.  I have been playing some more Borderlands on PC though, and also trying a few of the classic games on my Retro Pie setup, which is better than my first attempt at setting it up, thanks to a friend from work. I've tried a few arcade games, and one or two SNES games and Mega Drive games.  I've "discovered" an arcade game of The Simpsons that turns out to be an actually quite difficult side-scrolling beat-em-up! I've also had a quick go at one of the Aero Fighters games from the Neo Geo, and Cadillacs And Dinosaurs, also a side-scrolling beat-em-up arcade game (there seem to be a lot of those!)

Week ending Saturday 30-March-2019

Tuesday 26th March was the next meetup of the Bingham gaming group.  We ended up playing a 5-player game of Architects Of The West Kingdom. This is a very enjoyable, worker-placement game, and i managed to come second in victory points. On Thursday 28th March, I once again hosted a shorter evening's gaming.  This time, we played a 4-player game of Stone Age.  Again, this is a worked placement game, with an element of chance (all of the spaces that give you resources rely on dice rolling to determine how much of that resource you gain from all the workers you have on that space) and although I was behind for most of the game, victory-points-wise, when we completed the end-game scoring, I managed to jump ahead, beating the 2nd player by about 4 points.  I really enjoyed this game too.

Week ending Saturday 23-March-2019

Played 2x 3-player games of Century: Golem Edition on Monday 18th March.  For this session, I was introducing it to 2 newbies.  We chose it as it's simple game to learn, and quick to play.  Previously I had only played the normal edition, but in this case, Golem Edition is actually the exact same game, simply re-skinned. I made it to the Wednesday card gaming session in Grantham on Wednesday the 20th.  I've got to improve my Star Wars:Destiny custom deck, as it doesn't do well against decks with cards from the later sets (mine currently only has cards from the first 3 sets) and then on Thursday 21st, we managed to get in a 3-player game of Sushi Go Party! at lunch time.

Week ending Saturday 16-March-2019

On the 12-March, I hosted an evening, 4-player game of Small World.  The scoring ended up being quite close (well, the 3 of us who didn't win scored close to each other anyway!) Saturday the 16th was the monthly Grantham Friendly Gamers' all-day gaming session.  I managed to get in games of Canal Mania, Century: Spice Road, and Quacks of Quedlinburg. All were enjoyable although I did terribly at each =+) I'm also still grinding for XP a bit in Borderlands, but I do now have several good weapons (one combat rifle, one shotgun, and one sniper rifle are what I have equipped)

Week ending Saturday 09-March-2019

On Friday the 8th march, we had a 3-player game of Tiny Epic Kingdoms at lunch time.  This was my first play of this particular Tiny Epic title.  Although I enjoyed it, i felt that the (randomly-determined) starting region picked for myself put me at a disadvantage, especially with it only being a 3-player game, as it had 1 less resource producing area on it than the other 2 chosen starting region. I've also been playing some Borderlands and a bit of Terraria on PC.

Week ending Saturday 02-March-2019

On the 2nd, I had a day of gaming with 2 friends, hosted by me. First up was Pandemic: Fall Of Rome.  This is the 2nd variant, other than the original game, that I've played, and again it is different enough from the "vanilla" Pandemic to be worth a go.  Similarly to the original, some of the possible player characters have more useful special abilities than others.  We lost the first play quite badly, but fared significantly better the 2nd time around, and actually managed to beat the game! Then we played Voyages Of Marco Polo, a dice-placement game.  Again, it features player characters that each have a special ability.  The one I got (randomly assigned) sounded like it would be the strongest special ability, but in the end, I had the lowest score.  I do not think I made the best use of my character's special ability though, and would really like to have another play using the same character.  We'll see... Lastly we played Puerto Rico, it's kind of...

Week ending Saturday 23-February-2019

No board or card games played this week, but some more PC gaming - More of Just Cause 2 (exploring to find new locations), some Borderlands, a bit of Terraria and of Gene Forge 1 (an isometric RPG by indie publisher Spiderweb Software)

Week ending Saturday 16-February-2019

On the afternoon of Friday 15th-Feb, I went to the Ludorati boardgames cafe in Nottingham with 2 friends from work - we played 2 games of plain Endeavor, a worker placement/area control game.  I came second in the first game and won the second game. On Saturday 16th, was the next of the monthly meetings of the Grantham Friendly Gamers club, where I took part in a 5-player game of Agricola complete with the Farmers of The Moor expansion.  I think this is the 3rd time I've played Agricola, and I did improve once more on both my previous attempts, having both types of crop, every type of livestock, maximum amount of fenced area, upgraded rooms in my house, and 1 extra family member. Other than that I also played some Just Cause 2 on PC during the week.

Week ending Saturday 09-February-2019

On Sunday the 3rd-Feb, I had been invited along to a 5-player game of Keyflower.  I had never played it before, so it was a learning experience for me.  Apparently we had 1 or 2 expansions in use as well, that basically meant more possible actions available to us. There's a lot to pay attention to, and even though much of the time I was able to make the move I had been planning, I ended up not scoring highly - I think I came last! This is one of those games where you really need to always keep one eye on the end -of-game scoring.  There *are* various bonus scoring tiles you can obtain near the end of the game, but if you focus too much on trying to get 1 or 2 of those, you'll miss out on other ways of scoring that can get you more points. I enjoyed playing it though, the mix of mechanics (mostly bidding and worker placement) works well and there is a lot of variety in the details.

Week ending Saturday 02-February-2019

Did manage to get to the card gaming in Grantham on Wednesday the 30th January, I had a first go at playing Keyforge.  I lost very badly, and didn't enjoy the playing of it.  It's certainly a game where, to get the most out of it, you need to know your deck beforehand, and what it's capable of! I also got in a game of Star Wars Destiny, which we didn't quite have time to finish, but I was losing quite badly.  I just used my first (and so far only) custom deck I've ever made, which has an aggressive leaning, and my opponent had a "mill" deck (one built to exhaust your opponent's deck before all of your characters are killed) which was very well put-together.  My opponent quite quickly got to have cards in play that burned through my deck really, really fast.  i still had fun playing it though (and learning how effective a mill deck can be in Destiny!)

Week ending Saturday 26-January-2019

No board games played this week, but I have been enjoying getting a bit back into Terraria on PC.  It's just a lot of fun, it's only 2D as opposed to Minecraft's 3D (they are somewhat similar games, although un-modded Terraria places more emphasis on combat) but it's a very slick, polished game, and together with the physics it uses and the cartoon-y graphics style, it easily gets you smiling.

Week ending Saturday 19-January-2019

We had a 6-player gaming day on the 19th.  We played a 4-race Flamme Rouge "tour", and then a game of Viticulture: Essential Edition. I really enjoy Flamme Rouge - it does have a bit of an element of chaos to it (maybe "organised chaos"!) but there is a level of strategy to it too.  In the end, I finished 4th out of the 6th of us, which wasn't bad considering I completely messed up on the 2nd race.  As part the tour, our great host had also organised a couple of extra ways for our cyclists to earn points in each race - King Of The Hill, which awarded decreasing amounts of points as each cyclist exited any hill stretches on a race, and also Agressiveness, which awarded points to cyclists who finished each round of a race at the front of the pack. I didn't do so well at Visitculture, but I do prefer the Essential Edition (it adds a couple of expansions) to the basic, and really our host won the game massively ahead of the other 5 of us, who finished all bunc...

Week ending Saturday 12-January-2019

No board or card gaming done this week, but I have done a bit more organising of my Star Wars: Destiny collection.  Also been doing some PC gaming - I've re-discovered the joy of Terraria (it really is a lot of fun), and been continuing my second attempt at Borderlands (the first one), this time using a Hunter class character.  I have now found that actually, the good combat rifle I have obtained is the best weapon i have at the moment.  The special ability (a pet bird of prey that can help attack enemies) is also pretty cool!

Week ending Saturday 05-January-2019

Played a 5-player game of Sushi Go! on new Year's Eve, followed by an epic (~ 2 hours) 4-player game of Cards Against humanity, which took us right up to midnight! Have played a bit more of Geneforge 1, Just Cause 2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and Borderlands on PC too - completed a few more settlements in JC 2, progressed a little more in the mission I'm currently on in Splinter Cell (called Displace International), and completed a few more of the early missions in Borderlands.

Week ending Saturday 29-December-2018

Not much gaming done this past week - a bit on Creeper World 3, Just Cause 2 and Borderlands (the first one) on PC.  Did get in some Avocado Smash - a pimped-up "snap" card game - on xmas day.  lazy times the rest of the week!