Week ending Saturday 13-April-2019

On Sunday the 7th April, a few of us from work had arranged to meet up at the boardgames cafe Ludorati in Nottingham.  Unfortunately, in the end there were only 2 of us.
We still got a game of Eldritch Horror first, it took us about an hour and a half including the setup time (which itself was about half an hour)
It's a big game to setup - a number of different decks of cards, and lots of piles of various counters.
I've written a full review which i intend to post up here soon.  Needless to say, we were doing well for much of the game, but then it started falling apart and in the end, even if we hand't lost one of the 2 main "mysteries" that we'd investigated, we would not quite have been able to win (we would have gained the 3rd and final necessary mystery *after* our Great old One, Azathoth, had awoken and therefore ended the game.
the other game we played was Kingsburg, it *is* a competitive game to a degree, but it's more about trying to build up your buildings in a better way than your opponent/s
Both games I'd played before (although Eldritch horror only the once) and both enjoyable, and not too long to play.
I've also been playing a bit of Terraria on PC again.


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