Wolfenstein: The New Order finished! Also Arkham Asylum, plus board games
Having finished it, for now I have no desire to either go back and get some or all of the collectibles I missed, or even go and try the other timeline. I did enjoy the story and the gameplay, but for now I'm Wolfenstein'd out! In fact for a bit I've now turned to Batman: Arkham Asylum. Another modern classic, i had not got far into it the last time I played (which was ages ago) so luckily there wasn't a lot of story I needed to remind myself of.
I've also gone and played just a little more on 2 point-and-click adventure games I have on the go - Monkey Island 2, and Ben There Dan That.
Finally, i've had a few boardgame sessions online - a couple of games of 7 Wonders, a game of Kingdom Builder, a game of Carcassonne and a game of Eminent Domain. I'd never played either Kingdom Builder or Eiminent Domain before, and would certainly like to play Eminent Domain again!