Monkey Island 2 completed!
week I completed Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. I admit there were times when I had to consuly a guide online, but luckily i found a site that only gives hints rather than full solutions, to the various puzzles in the game (think it has this for other similar titles too)
I already knew a little about what happens at the end, I don't want to spoil it but it is...interesting (and not 100% obvious the meaning behind it)
I've also been playing another point-and-click adventure game: Ben There, Dan That - an indie-made game from a few years ago. I've still got a way to go on that game.
Tuesday's online boardgaming involved a 5-player game of Celestia (my first of it - it's a push-your-luck game and quite fun) and a 5-player game of the co-op card trikc-taking game The Crew, in which we managed to complete...4 missions I think it was? Apparently the site we use saves your group's progress so hopefully we can carry on from there at some point.
I also played a little more of Warhammer Quest (i'm grinding my adventurers' XP levels a bit to get them strong and some good equipment) and tried a couple of missions in Phasmophobia, where we succeeded on the first one and then both died on the second one.