Week ending Saturday 29-June-2019

Got a number of games played this week - Plague Inc: The Board Game on Tuesday 25th.  This was the June meetup of the Bingham boardgames group.  We played the full 4-player game; 2 of us had never played it before.  It's kind of like a "reverse Pandemic" but also competitive, not co-operative.  You're trying to spread your virus or infection, but if you do this too much too early, it limits how many areas of the world you can infect and therefore how many victory points you can earn.  I ended up 2nd in this game.
On the Saturday, the 29th, the main game we played was 6-player Dominant Species.  I did very badly for the first half or so of the game, but managed to c\law my way up to finish 3rd place, thanks to some fortuitous end-of-game scoring.
We also got in one game of Tiefe Taschen, which I won, and 3 games of The Resistance: Avalon.


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