On Tuesday, I played several 4-player boardgames online. First up was Cacao, a kind of tile-placing game where you're just trying to earn money - the most money at the end wins. There are various types of jungles tiles, which you earn actions and resources from, and then each player has the same set of meeple-labelled tiles (with different combinations of meeple counts on each edge). You earn stuff from jungle tiles by having the most meeples pointing at it from adjacent meeple-labelled tiles. I had not played it before, and came last. It took me a while to get the hang of it too. Netx up was Kingdomino, a nice simply tile-placement game, with several different colours of tiles, that you are trying to place on your own area so that each different-coloured area is continuous, as you score more points that way. Somehow I managed to win this one, but it is a really simple-to-understand game! Finally we played Love Letter. I'd played this befo...