Payday 2 - a game from my "list of shame"

Another of the games from my "list of shame".  I bought this not too long after it was released, and it included a bunch of DLC.  The little i saw of it (at the time, on the videogaming TV channel GINX TV, which although a bit light on content is sorely missed!) suggested it as a first-person heist simulator.  That was enough to get me to buy it when on offer.
Sometime later I also read a bit about it in a gameplay guide, which further suggested it to be a heist RPG, with skills and equipment and cosmeticsa for your character, that could be levelled and earned.
Well, now I have actually had a play of it (I completed 1 easy-level heist, with a friend and 2 AI players) I know it really is nothing like that.  It has the FPS + RPG elements, yes, but it plays like a zombie horde shooter that has just been re-skinned, with the enemies becoming various types of law enforcement, with varying levels of weapons and armour.
There is even a kind of respawn system within heists, at least on normal difficulty, which means as long as one member of your team remains alive and not arrested, the heist goes on.  The one we tried was one of the easiest difficulties, a bank job.  The carnage began before myself and my friend were ready - something one of the AI players did triggered the bank alarm.  It took close to an hour to finish, and when we reached the vault (still quite a bit of the heist left to do at that point) we decided to go for taking *all* of the available bags of loot, rather than just the 4 needed to count the heist as completed. This did give us loads of money on completion of it - and bumped my character up from level 1 all the way to level 8 just in that heist! I killed a lot of enemies too which i think earned me a load of XP.
Although it was a bit of a surprise to find it's not really a heist simulator RPG, it still fills a niche that I otherwise do not have a game for, and despite the OTT waves of enemies (seriously, i forgot to take a screenshot, but by the end of our heist the bank's floors were covered with dead enemies), I enjoyed playing it, and can see it would be best if all 4 people on the heist you play are human players, who you already know.
I'm keeping it installed and will find the time to try some more, other heists and build up my character.


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