Blood Bowl 2 - My first PvP league
I actually also have the first PC Blood Bowl game, but I never got around to playing it. So, Blood Bowl 2 - a few of my friends were setting up a small PvP league to have a go at, and I decided to join them. There were 5 of us human coaches, plus one AI. I decided to give the Skaven a go (a populous race of ratmen) as they are my chosen faction from the Warhammer world, and what little I knew about Blood Bowl is that it's a violent version of American Football, set in Games Workshop's fantasy world of Warhammer.
This soon revealed itself to be a mistake - In Blood Bowl 2, the Skaven are quite specialised, excelling in speed (how far their players can move each turn, and how good they are at dodging opponents' attacks, known as Blocks in the world of Blood Bowl) but being quite weak and "squishy" once an opposing player gets hold of one of them.
In addition to this first mistake, I opted for an automatically-generated team. This turned out to be another mistake, the main issue being that it included a Rat Ogre - these guys are big brutes, but they also have a high chance, each turn, of being unable (or outright refusing) to actually do anything, due to their "wild animal" nature.
It soon became apparent, in my team's very first game, that I was outclassed by my opponent. In fact this turned into a pattern - The Killy Kill Claw Kings (my own name for them) lost every one of their 5 games, and in all of that only managed to score a single goal - in a game against a Human team.
But this losing streak was outweighed a little by the experience of playing the game. It's fun, even when you're losing. Moves that seem almost certain can fail hilariously. Equally, last-ditch attempts to stop your opponent scoring can, against the odds, succeed.
There are bugs - I encountered them in the voice commentators, which I left turned on but often played the wrong comment (e.g. saying the scores wrong, or the score difference wrong, and things like that)
But the graphics are good and the game itself plays well. I certainly need practise, having a rough idea now how the Skaven should be played. All in all, it's a fun game, especially if you're familiar with, and a fan of, the setting.