More of Monkey Island 2...

I have played some more on Monkey Island 2 this past week - I found a site that gives hints for the various puzzles, but not as far as giving the whole solution.  This is what I need, especially when I miss parts of conversations with the various charactersa in the game. I'm better at that than I used to be - in point-and-click adventure games, often clues can be found when eploring the various conversation trees in the game, and Monkey island 2 is no exception! It's important to pay attention, and also commit details to memory to help with later parts of the game.  I'm enjoying playing through it, at any rate.
I have also played some more of Mark Of The Ninja - I'm slowly making progress, still on the first overall mission but I think nearing the end of it (the first mission) now.  For most of it i use the mouse and keyboard combination for control, although as I mentioned in a previous post, there is the odd occasion where I switch to my Xbox360 controller.  But that is quite rare.

I also got in a couple of games of Sushi Go! on Boardgamearena early in the week. It's been a while since I went on BGA, i think i will try and play a little more regularly.  I only have a free level of account but there is still a good selection of games available at that!

Finally, I'm going to work on writing "reviews" of some of the video games I've completed over the years.  I've got one done but I want to do a few at least.


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