Payday 2 - 2 more sessions
So this week, myself and Craig managed to get in 2 plays of Payday 2 - one on Tuesday and one yesterday (Thursday)
The Thursday session worked out really well. We attempted a "stealthy" heist, which previously we attempted a number of times (on Tuesday) but failed badly on each attempt. So this time around we took a more planned approach - We even made use of the pre-game planning function offered in Payday 2. From our previous lot of unsuccessful attempts, we kind of knew a number of the possible patrol routes for some of the armed guards.
Being a stealthy heist, you can't kill too many of the armed guards or the alarms trigger and you're most likely to fail it. Even restricting the numbers you klll, you have to go right near the body of each one you take down, and "interact" to use their radio/pager to keep suspicions down.
We kept to a stealthy route in to the main building, a warehouse with several floors and various rooms, entering via the roof after we took out the 2 guards there. By this attempt, we alos knew the locations of 3 items of loot, the minimum amount needed to count it as a success.
We followed Craig's plan, carefully and quielty taking out a couple more guards, and scaring a couple of unarmed civilians into staying out of our way. We got hold of the 3 different items of loot (in this heist, each was a large item so we could only each carry one at a time) and used a "to me - to you" method of moving them out of the warehouse, around the back where there were no guards (2 cameras though, which Craig took out before they spotted us)
In the end, the alarm did trigger (we're not 100% sure how but think one of the civilians found their nerve and ran to one of the surviving armed guards) but luckily we just got the last item of loot into the getaway van before the time limit ran out.
So it was a successful heist for us, at last!
We had time to attempt another, so we chose another bank heist, different to the first one that we managed to complete. Unfortunately for this one, we made several attempts but failed at each.
We're going to try and get a couple more people to join our crew and make things a bit easier!