
Showing posts from August, 2020

Payday 2 - a game from my "list of shame"

Another of the games from my "list of shame".  I bought this not too long after it was released, and it included a bunch of DLC.  The little i saw of it (at the time, on the videogaming TV channel GINX TV, which although a bit light on content is sorely missed!) suggested it as a first-person heist simulator.  That was enough to get me to buy it when on offer. Sometime later I also read a bit about it in a gameplay guide, which further suggested it to be a heist RPG, with skills and equipment and cosmeticsa for your character, that could be levelled and earned. Well, now I have actually had a play of it (I completed 1 easy-level heist, with a friend and 2 AI players) I know it really is nothing like that.  It has the FPS + RPG elements, yes, but it plays like a zombie horde shooter that has just been re-skinned, with the enemies becoming various types of law enforcement, with varying levels of weapons and armour. There is even a kind of respawn system within heists, ...

Star Wars: Legion - a Star Wars tabletop miniatures game

Star Wars: Legion is a tabletop miniatures game, set in the continuity of Star Wars, made by the company Fantasy Flight Games.  I did have a bit of a play of a beginner setup at the UK Games Expo last year, with my good friend Craig.  But it wasn't really a proper go at it. Fast forward a load of months, and Craig decided to "pull the trigger" and buy the starter set.  This was just before the whole Covid situation hit the UK, so we only managed to get around to having a proper game of Legion last Monday, the 10th August. I chose to lead the Rebel scum, and Craig was the evil Empire.  We chose to play the beginner scenario, with only some basic terrain (barricades) in specified postions, and our squads of troopers and our vehicles did not have any special weapons/other equipment. Legion is elegant - not too complicated - by just using several different colours of dice (separately for attacking and defending) rather than a load of tables you have to consult.  So ...

Blood Bowl 2 - My first PvP league

I actually also have the first PC Blood Bowl game, but I never got around to playing it.  So, Blood Bowl 2 - a few of my friends were setting up a small PvP league to have a go at, and I decided to join them.  There were 5 of us human coaches, plus one AI.  I decided to give the Skaven a go (a populous race of ratmen) as they are my chosen faction from the Warhammer world, and what little I knew about Blood Bowl is that it's a violent version of American Football, set in Games Workshop's fantasy world of Warhammer. This soon revealed itself to be a mistake - In Blood Bowl 2, the Skaven are quite specialised, excelling in speed (how far their players can move each turn, and how good they are at dodging opponents' attacks, known as Blocks in the world of Blood Bowl) but being quite weak and "squishy" once an opposing player gets hold of one of them. In addition to this first mistake, I opted for an automatically-generated team.  This turned out to be another mistake...

A new beginning...

 Right, I'm going to try and write one post per week, actually writing about games I'm playing (viedogames, boardgames, and tabletop games) rather than simply listing them!