Payday 2 - a game from my "list of shame"
Another of the games from my "list of shame". I bought this not too long after it was released, and it included a bunch of DLC. The little i saw of it (at the time, on the videogaming TV channel GINX TV, which although a bit light on content is sorely missed!) suggested it as a first-person heist simulator. That was enough to get me to buy it when on offer. Sometime later I also read a bit about it in a gameplay guide, which further suggested it to be a heist RPG, with skills and equipment and cosmeticsa for your character, that could be levelled and earned. Well, now I have actually had a play of it (I completed 1 easy-level heist, with a friend and 2 AI players) I know it really is nothing like that. It has the FPS + RPG elements, yes, but it plays like a zombie horde shooter that has just been re-skinned, with the enemies becoming various types of law enforcement, with varying levels of weapons and armour. There is even a kind of respawn system within heists, ...