Regular writing attempt #99
I really want to maintain my blog, so once more I'm going to make a concerted effort to post regularly!
Simply as a blog/online diary, rather than anything more.
So this past week, I've completed mission 4 (Manhattan) on Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, admittedly following a guide online.  It took a while of game time in total but I got a reasonably high completion (I think i was rated 87%)
I also completed the current mission on Company Of Heroes - I'm playing through the first of the single player campaigns.  This mission was the defence of Carentan, i think.  I'm enjoying the game a lot - it's an interesting mix of real-time strategy, but still with some tactical depth, including a genuine limit on the number of men you can have in your force, which really forces you to consider the best makeup of unit types for the current mission (or current stage of the current mission, as most comprise more than one)
It *does* have in-mission saving, but it only saves your progress up until the beginning of the current part of the current mission.  This is still easier than only allowing saves between missions.
This week, I've also got further with my experiment in basic layering when painting miniatures.  I've been trying this out on a plastic Skaven clan rat (from Game Workshop), and have so far done the under coat, base coat, shade hues and mid hues, with only the highlights left to do.  Although i will probably also use some brown ink on some of the skin areas.  At first i thought it wasn't working at all when I took a look at the mini in light, but looking closer it actually is, it's just a little more subtle than i realised it would be!
Also, this afternoon (i've had a day of holiday off work today!) I've started playing the first single-player campaign in Dawn of War II.  I completed the 5th mission, "The True Enemy" and i did pretty well, although the assault marines squad got knocked out partway through (they were revived then)


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