Week ending Saturday 20-April-2019
On Wednesday 17th April, 3 of us went to Ludorati after work for some gaming. This time, we played a single game of Terraforming Mars. This is an interesting"engine bulding" type of game, where you need to get cards into play, as well as placing several types of hex tiles, in order to earn "TR" (Terraforming Rating) TR is basically victory points, the aim being to earn the most. The cards you can get into your hand, and then play, represent various terraforming-related "projects", there are 6 resources each player has to manage their production and spending of, and in addition the game end is set by 3 different measurements, all of which need to be met before the game can end. These are: Oxygen level, Temperature, and Ocean size (Oceans being represented by one of the hex types) There are various set ways of earning TR points, in addition to what you may be able to earn from various of the project cards. Also, each player is assigned one of the terra...