
Showing posts from October, 2018
So, on Wednesday 24th, I played a 3-player game of Pandemic: Iberia , at a local boardgame cafe.  Prior to this, i have played "vanilla" Pandemic 4 times, and won on 3 of those attempts. Well, the Iberia version feels somewhat trickier.  We thought we were doing well with setting up our rail network and getting on with purifying water, but we had only researched 3 of the 4 diseases by the time the city cards ran out (hence ending the game) Yesterday, I was able to play 3 games: Coimbra - I found this very enjoyable, although it helped that I managed to get the hang of it early on, ending the game as the winner! we played a 4-player game of it so I was very happy with this result.  It has a number of gameplay mechanics to grasp, and i formulated a plan early on, basically maximising the victory points I earned at each move/action I did.  There's worker movement, card buying, and several resource income tracks that can also score victory points at the end.  A ...
Regular writing attempt #99 I really want to maintain my blog, so once more I'm going to make a concerted effort to post regularly! Simply as a blog/online diary, rather than anything more. So this past week, I've completed mission 4 (Manhattan) on Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, admittedly following a guide online.  It took a while of game time in total but I got a reasonably high completion (I think i was rated 87%) I also completed the current mission on Company Of Heroes - I'm playing through the first of the single player campaigns.  This mission was the defence of Carentan, i think.  I'm enjoying the game a lot - it's an interesting mix of real-time strategy, but still with some tactical depth, including a genuine limit on the number of men you can have in your force, which really forces you to consider the best makeup of unit types for the current mission (or current stage of the current mission, as most comprise more than one) It *does* have in-mission savi...