Week ending Saturday 09-February-2019
On Sunday the 3rd-Feb, I had been invited along to a 5-player game of Keyflower. I had never played it before, so it was a learning experience for me. Apparently we had 1 or 2 expansions in use as well, that basically meant more possible actions available to us. There's a lot to pay attention to, and even though much of the time I was able to make the move I had been planning, I ended up not scoring highly - I think I came last! This is one of those games where you really need to always keep one eye on the end -of-game scoring. There *are* various bonus scoring tiles you can obtain near the end of the game, but if you focus too much on trying to get 1 or 2 of those, you'll miss out on other ways of scoring that can get you more points. I enjoyed playing it though, the mix of mechanics (mostly bidding and worker placement) works well and there is a lot of variety in the details.