
Showing posts from January, 2019

Week ending Saturday 12-January-2019

No board or card gaming done this week, but I have done a bit more organising of my Star Wars: Destiny collection.  Also been doing some PC gaming - I've re-discovered the joy of Terraria (it really is a lot of fun), and been continuing my second attempt at Borderlands (the first one), this time using a Hunter class character.  I have now found that actually, the good combat rifle I have obtained is the best weapon i have at the moment.  The special ability (a pet bird of prey that can help attack enemies) is also pretty cool!

Week ending Saturday 05-January-2019

Played a 5-player game of Sushi Go! on new Year's Eve, followed by an epic (~ 2 hours) 4-player game of Cards Against humanity, which took us right up to midnight! Have played a bit more of Geneforge 1, Just Cause 2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and Borderlands on PC too - completed a few more settlements in JC 2, progressed a little more in the mission I'm currently on in Splinter Cell (called Displace International), and completed a few more of the early missions in Borderlands.

Week ending Saturday 29-December-2018

Not much gaming done this past week - a bit on Creeper World 3, Just Cause 2 and Borderlands (the first one) on PC.  Did get in some Avocado Smash - a pimped-up "snap" card game - on xmas day.  lazy times the rest of the week!