20-Oct-2017 and 22-Oct-2017
On Friday, the 20 th October, I played (my first ever) a game of Scythe . In the end it was just a 2-player game, so a nice introduction for a newbie like myself. I found it somewhat similar to Euphoria, which I own a copy of, but with added PVP combat (Euphoria does not have that) The scoring was quite close- I ended with 70 points to my opponent's 74. It took me a few turns to get the hang of the different actions and bonuses and how it all works, together with the resources costs. I would definitely like to play this again, preferably with more players. It's basically a worker placement game, also with an element of area control. Really, you're trying to put together an engine for generating victory points. There are a number of ways to earn victory points (just money in this game) and there are several levels of each type of scoring, that you progress up through by completing certain actions. On Sunday 22 nd , I went along to a 3-player game of Eldritc...